English to hebrew meaning of

למילה "באוולר" יש משמעויות מרובות בהתאם להקשר שבו היא משמשת. להלן כמה מהגדרות המילוניות הנפוצות ביותר של המילה:אדם שמשחק בכדורות (משחק את משחק הקערות)אדם שמוציא כדור במשחק של קריקטסוג של כובע עם כתר עגול ונוקשה ושוליים צרים, הנלבשים באופן מסורתי על ידי גברים

Sentence Examples

  1. A skinny man in a fine black coat and a bowler hat came walking past on the other side of the road.
  2. Indeed, Michael J Bowler is a powerful writer with a gift unparalleled.
  3. He plucked his bowler hat off the rack, shuffled to the front door and threw it open.
  4. Westerfield was smartly dressed in a brown bowler hat, brown slacks and a vest and tie over his shirt.
  5. Henrietta Borg was in animated conversation with a man in a bowler hat with a feather thrust through the band.
  6. On one side of Navarino stood the man with the feathered bowler on the other side was William Caskie.
  7. Suddenly a crisp voice spoke from the road, and looking up I saw a little Ford two-seater, and a round-faced young man in a bowler hat.
  8. He had seen this man before, except on each previous occasion, he had been wearing a bowler hat with a feather tucked into the hatband.
  9. Earl was an avid bowler, and competition for the number one spot in this town was fierce.
  10. A young Frenchie, wearing a bowler hat, was painting his girlfriend but it looked like a space ship, not a human being.