English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "בונה" עשויה להשתנות בהתאם להקשר, אך הנה כמה משמעויות אפשריות:מכרסם מימי גדול עם פרווה חומה, רגליים אחוריות עם קורות , וזנב רחב ושטוח. בונים ידועים בבניית סכרים ובקתות ממקלות ובוץ.פרוות של בונה, משמשת לעתים קרובות לייצור כובעים וביגוד אחר.אדם חרוץ או חרוץ, המשמש לעתים קרובות בביטוי "עסוק כמו בונה."סוג של כובע העשוי מפרוות בונה, פופולרי במאה ה-19.כלי המשמש לחיתוך עץ או לעיצובו לצורות ספציפיות, לרוב עם להב רחב ושטוח וידית ארוכה. כלי זה מכונה גם "סכין משיכה" או "גילוח".מונח סלנג לאיברי המין הנשיים, הנחשב וולגרי ולא הולם ברוב ההקשרים.

Sentence Examples

  1. We learn that Carmine and Richard spent the morning visiting nearby Beaver Lake on a fishing excursion and Holly enjoyed a private tour of local gardens.
  2. I have known greater fools, who could read and write, than an experienced old beaver but as for squalling, the animals are born dumb!
  3. One, and she was the more juvenile in her appearance, though both were young, permitted glimpses of her dazzling complexion, fair golden hair, and bright blue eyes, to be caught, as she artlessly suffered the morning air to blow aside the green veil which descended low from her beaver.
  4. And there were enough, I supposed, working as cabbies at the Eager Beaver Cab Co.
  5. His lurking Indians were suddenly converted into four-footed beasts his lake into a beaver pond his cataract into a dam, constructed by those industrious and ingenious quadrupeds and a suspected enemy into his tried friend, David Gamut, the master of psalmody.
  6. I would wager fifty beaver skins against as many flints, that the Mohicans and I enter their wigwams within the month!
  7. War Eagle hugs Beaver Lake and includes signs of past visitors such as Civil War soldiers in addition to its fascinating rock outcrops.
  8. He left the basin on the ground, with which Don Quixote contented himself, saying that the pagan had shown his discretion and imitated the beaver, which finding itself pressed by the hunters bites and cuts off with its teeth that for which, by its natural instinct, it knows it is pursued.
  9. Suspended by blue ribbons to the end of this fantastic machine, there hung, by way of car, an enormous drab beaver hat, with a brim superlatively broad, and a hemispherical crown with a black band and a silver buckle.
  10. He took the front steps in two brisk hops and the porch in three long strides an eager beaver.