English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילון של המילה "מגובה" היא לתמוך או לתמוך במישהו או משהו. זה יכול גם להיות מתן תמיכה כספית, חומרית או מוסרית לאדם או לארגון. בנוסף, "מגובה" יכול להיות גם לנוע אחורה, במיוחד ברכב, או להיות ממוקם בחלק האחורי של משהו. משמעות המילה עשויה להשתנות בהתאם להקשר שבו היא משמשת.

Sentence Examples

  1. She backed away on her hands until she reached the edge of the battlements.
  2. Behind all the papers, I saw he was on the phone, so I laid the file down and backed out of the room just as someone else passed by.
  3. Lenny let out a terrified whimper and backed away so rapidly he tripped over his own feet.
  4. I ducked a blow from one of them and backed into Jeth.
  5. We backed away, and as its teeth snapped, pure panic took over.
  6. To my surprise, Ms Weston handed me her weapon and backed off, allowing me to take the attack.
  7. Several people gasped, and most backed away from us.
  8. It stalked after Sintian who backed away, clasping his sword in one hand.
  9. Fear clutched at her heart and she backed out of the clearing.
  10. I could tell she was the type who stared until you backed down.