English to hebrew meaning of

ההגדרה המילונית של המילה "הימנעות" היא להתרחק או למנוע מהתרחשות. זה יכול להיות גם

Sentence Examples

  1. I crossed the road in a zigzag to avoid the thrashing tail, which left dents wherever it struck the tarmac.
  2. Guards patrolled the streets, so Cianne took a circuitous route to avoid them.
  3. Ada, meanwhile, had thrown herself flat on the tarmac to avoid the lashing tail and was stabbing wildly with her dagger.
  4. A stream of purple-red energy hit the floor, and I shifted aside to avoid the rebound striking me.
  5. In the enclave she had no choice but to tail her father over the cobbled streets, keeping to the shadows and maintaining a considerable distance so as to avoid detection.
  6. I followed Connor down the back steps to avoid the crowd assembling on the first floor of Diamond Hall.
  7. He moved to avoid the onlekk guards who came around the corner, dragging a struggling Dark-Venator with them.
  8. I cautioned her to avoid the patch of blood on the stairs.
  9. Abit managed to avoid his greeting, trying to keep his new togs clean.
  10. I appreciated the compliments, but between my desire to corner Jordan and Carla and the need to avoid brown-nosers, I ended the conversation as soon as possible.