English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילונית של המילה "אוורור" היא פעולת חשיפת משהו לאוויר, במיוחד לצורך רעננו או ייבושו. זה יכול גם להתייחס למעשה של שידור או הגשת משהו, כמו תוכנית טלוויזיה או דעה, לקהל רחב יותר. בנוסף, ניתן להשתמש ב"שידור" כדי לתאר דיון ציבורי או דיון בנושא.

Sentence Examples

  1. Calvin glanced past me to the table, already set and with the bottle of wine open and airing.
  2. Preempting every sporting, news, and entertainment offering currently airing, the executive reserved this privilege for moments with dire national security or natural disaster implications.
  3. Was it best you let him die without condemnation for the pain he caused you, or do you regret not airing your grievances?
  4. Their strong bond, the depths of their friendship, had become public laundry for airing and inspection.
  5. Weston to invite her to an airing she had drawn back and declined at first, but, on being pressed had yielded and, in the course of their drive, Mrs.
  6. The TV was airing a dating show where a Hobgoblin and a Banshee had just won a holiday to the world of Bealurn, where it was always sunny.
  7. An airing in the Hartfield carriage would have been the rack, and arrowroot from the Hartfield storeroom must have been poison.