English to hebrew meaning of

משמעות המילונית של המילה "אדמנטין" היא:(שם תואר) עשוי או דומה לאדמנט, חומר אגדי בלתי שביר, המשמש בדרך כלל לתיאור משהו שהוא קשה ביותר , חזק או בלתי מתפשר.(שם תואר) בלתי מתפשר, בלתי מתפשר או נחרץ בעקשנות, משמש לעתים קרובות לתיאור אופיו או גישתו של אדם.דוגמאות:חומות המבצר היו עשויות אבן אדמנטינה, בלתי חדירה אפילו לנשק המצור החזק ביותר.למרות ההתנגדות, הפוליטיקאי נשאר נחוש באמונותיו וסירב להתפשר.כוח הרצון הנמרץ שלה עזר לה להתגבר על מכשולים רבים בחייה.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was trying to dislodge the adamantine sword it had managed to ram hilt-deep into its own snout.
  2. And the king, when he is highest provoked, and most determined to press a city to rubbish, orders the island to descend with great gentleness, out of a pretense of tenderness to his people, but indeed for fear of breaking the adamantine bottom in which case, it is the opinion of all their philosophers, that the loadstone could no longer hold it up, and the whole mass would fall to the ground.
  3. O thou, the pride and pink of all that I wear The adamantine steel!
  4. Adamantine was the most unbreakable substance in the Multiverse.
  5. To accomplish the change was like a reflux of being, and this when the plasticity of youth was no longer his when the fibre of him had become tough and knotty when the warp and the woof of him had made of him an adamantine texture, harsh and unyielding when the face of his spirit had become iron and all his instincts and axioms had crystallised into set rules, cautions, dislikes, and desires.
  6. I shook my hands to stop the buzzing as the adamantine walls of the building objected to the level one hit and then climbed onto the windowsill and pulled myself inside.
  7. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness.