English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "terrier" ƙarami ne, yawancin nau'in karnuka masu rai wanda aka samo asali don farautar kwari kamar bera, beraye, da zomaye. Terriers ana siffanta su da ƙarfin hali, azama, da ƙarfin kuzari, kuma galibi ana kiyaye su azaman dabbobi saboda amincinsu da yanayin ƙauna. Hakanan ana amfani da kalmar “terrier” gabaɗaya don nufin duk wani kare da ake amfani da shi don farauta ko kuma yana da kama da kamanni.

Sentence Examples

  1. An older woman with a little terrier looks set to catch him up.
  2. It was not enough the tattooed man shook him like a terrier with a rat.
  3. A terrier forced its nose between the curtains on the ground floor and barked.
  4. There was also Snapper, a small scruffy stray terrier, who had joined the troupe one morning a couple of months ago.
  5. Gritting her teeth and shoving her unruly hormones as far from mind as she could manage, Alex scanned the quiet street a final time, noting that the man with the terrier was gone, leaving the street deserted between her and Trent.
  6. Eva held a small piece of hot dog flat on her palm and tried to coax a terrified terrier mix out of the back corner of his crate.
  7. Charging out of its cave, it sank its fangs into his hindbrain like a terrier on a rat.
  8. I went at him with Krav Maga, and with a Muay Thai assault furious enough to down a horse, and he waved me off like I was a snappy Yorkshire terrier.
  9. She shook her head like a bull terrier, tearing a massive chunk from its throat.