English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sharuɗɗa" ita ce:(noun) sharuɗɗa ko ƙa'idodi waɗanda aka amince da su ko kuma aka sanya su a matsayin wani ɓangare na yarjejeniya, kwangila, ko ciniki (noun) kalma ko jimla da ake amfani da ita don siffanta ko ayyana wani abu, sau da yawa a cikin fasaha ko na musamman filin (noun) wani lokaci ko tsawon lokaci, musamman wanda aka kayyade ko ƙayyadaddun. li>(jam'i suna) dangantaka tsakanin mutane ko kungiyoyi, musamman a cikin zamantakewa, kasuwanci, ko siyasaMisalan amfani: An bayyana sharuɗɗan kwangilar a fili a cikin yarjejeniyar.Ban fahimci wasu kalmomin fasaha da aka yi amfani da su a cikin wannan littafin ba. shekara. A halin yanzu ƙasashen biyu suna tattaunawa kan sharuɗɗan yarjejeniyar cinikayyarsu.


  1. damage
  2. price

Sentence Examples

  1. Apparently they were together although, not on the friendliest of terms.
  2. Then Phileas Fogg had taken passage for Bordeaux, and, during the thirty hours he had been on board, had so shrewdly managed with his banknotes that the sailors and stokers, who were only an occasional crew, and were not on the best terms with the captain, went over to him in a body.
  3. There was a postscript for Jack, telling him in no uncertain terms what he thought of his actions in taking Catherine to Burton.
  4. I kept my face buried in my menu, as ridiculous as that must have seemed, while I came to terms with his presence in the Haría plaza not two hours before.
  5. The sheriff and I are on good terms with this whole debacle.
  6. For an inexplicable reason, Richard chooses to hold Celestino responsible for what he conceives a personal snub, which allows him, conveniently perhaps, to remain on cordial terms with me.
  7. Almost all the in-depth material written on the history and culture of the island is in Spanish and not seeing any role for myself in terms of employment, my enthusiasm has waned.
  8. Of the three people who knew what had really gone down at the Academy, he was the only one I was on friendly speaking terms with.
  9. His daughter lived in the Maryland suburbs, and he and his ex-wife were on better terms so that visits with the kids and grandkids were more enjoyable.
  10. Her guardian had told me in no uncertain terms to leave them the hell alone, and only family were allowed in to visit her.