English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarewa" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sun haɗa da: Aikin kawo wani abu zuwa ƙarshe ko ƙarshe. Tsarin kawo karshen wani abu ko kuma a ƙare. Aikin korar ma'aikaci daga aiki. ciki ko kwangila. Batun da wani abu ya ƙare ko kuma a ƙare. ma'anar kalmar na iya dogara ne akan mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita.


  1. conclusion
  2. ending

Sentence Examples

  1. Also, you know The Ring has targeted all of us for termination.
  2. But fate would not rid me of it, contenting itself with robbing me of my reason, perhaps to preserve me for the good fortune I have had in meeting you for if that which you have just told us be true, as I believe it to be, it may be that Heaven has yet in store for both of us a happier termination to our misfortunes than we look for because seeing that Luscinda cannot marry Don Fernando, being mine, as she has herself so openly declared, and that Don Fernando cannot marry her as he is yours, we may reasonably hope that Heaven will restore to us what is ours, as it is still in existence and not yet alienated or destroyed.
  3. It was but too true that the railway came to a termination at this point.
  4. Emmanuel did not conceal his joy at the peaceful termination of the affair, and was loud in his expressions of delight.
  5. We may easily understand how eagerly the particulars were asked for, given, and received and Morrel could read an indescribable joy in the eyes of his beloved, when she knew that the termination of this affair was as happy as it was unexpected.
  6. Danglars waited a moment, expecting the postilion to come and demand payment with the termination of his stage.
  7. I contrived, however, to pacify them by promises of payment of all scores in full, as soon as I could bring the present business to a termination.
  8. Consider also that I fully believed I had accomplished the end and aim of my undertaking, for which I had so exactly husbanded my strength as to make it just hold out to the termination of my enterprise and now, at the moment when I reckoned upon success, my hopes are forever dashed from me.
  9. Mile after mile was, however, passed through the boundless woods, in this painful manner, without any prospect of a termination to their journey.
  10. But the spectacle which most concerned the young soldier was on the western bank of the lake, though quite near to its southern termination.