English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fasaha" tana nufin aikace-aikacen ilimin kimiyya a aikace don ayyuka masu amfani, musamman a masana'antu. Ya haɗa da haɓakawa, samarwa, da amfani da kayan aiki, inji, kayan aiki, da matakai waɗanda ke inganta haɓaka, haɓaka aiki, da inganci a fannoni daban-daban kamar masana'antu, sadarwa, sufuri, magunguna, da ƙari. Fasaha ta ƙunshi fannoni daban-daban, ciki har da injiniyanci, kimiyyar kwamfuta, kimiyyar lissafi, sunadarai, ilmin halitta, da sauransu. Yana ci gaba da haɓakawa kuma yana ci gaba, kuma ya zama muhimmin sashi na al'ummar zamani.

Sentence Examples

  1. A recent six-figure donation was carelessly handed over to Grey Sports Complex for improving the technology infrastructure of the athletic facility, returfing the baseball field, and securing a modern bus for the players traveling to opposing teams.
  2. The Alliance were right to push up barriers on offworld trade, considering the absolute chaos that inevitably resulted when magic-based technology went wrong on worlds like Earth, where knowledge of magic was next to none.
  3. The Alliance had ways of harnessing magic like electricity using offworld technology, less damaging than an actual electric fence, but just as much of a deterrent.
  4. In those offices, the Law Division resolved offworld issues, the technology department worked on top-secret Alliance-only technologies from simulator tech to weaponry, and the council made statements that swept the Multiverse.
  5. I remembered the blogger had mentioned something about technology for the athletics department.
  6. It was a fairly major thing to be able to use magic-based technology on Earth and have it actually work how it was meant to.
  7. Sometimes she ignored me, other times she put pressure on me to spend more time with her and tell her all about the new technology and perks the athletic facility had received.
  8. Valerian technology hooked up to the offworld network, of course.
  9. The costly technology gave the occupants a large measure of privacy.
  10. While ascending the stairs to find Lorraine, I emailed the technology department and asked them to confirm whether there were any logs on the student grading system indicating record changes.