English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fasahar" tana da alaƙa da fasaha ko haɗawa da fasaha, musamman fasahar zamani. Yana nufin aikace-aikacen aikace-aikacen ilimin kimiyya da fasaha don dalilai masu amfani, kamar ƙira, haɓakawa, da haɓaka kayan aiki, inji, tsarin, da matakai. Ci gaban fasaha ya kawo sauye-sauye masu mahimmanci a kusan kowane bangare na rayuwar ɗan adam, daga sadarwa da sufuri zuwa kiwon lafiya da nishaɗi. Ana amfani da kalmar “fasaha” sau da yawa don bayyana sabbin abubuwa, bincike, da ingantawa a fannoni daban-daban, kamar aikin injiniya, kimiyyar kwamfuta, da likitanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Central preferred reports to be handwritten, firstly because handwriting was hard to fake, and secondly due to the frequency of technological meltdowns inevitable in a place which had so much contact with magic.
  2. A technological shield ascended in perfect spherical form around the ship.
  3. The very connectivity that requires our worship is pushing us into a blind allegiance to the technological supernatural.
  4. Jeth, technological genius, had created a set of devices coated in powdered bloodrock, which had once belonged to the Alliance.
  5. He hated it when one of his treasured technological contraptions failed to do its job.
  6. A leap in technological advancement that will surpass the level of innovation of the last one hundred years in one-tenth that time.
  7. Science also took huge leaps in the technological revolution.
  8. Yu was the oldest known panda to ever live, one whose technological magic had left a dubious number of years.
  9. The technological revolution and industrial revolution both centered on delivering increased productivity.
  10. I know that your god abilities are nothing more than technological and magical advances your kind kept from humanity in an attempt to rule the world.