English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tandem" ita ce: suna ma'anar keke mai kujeru da takalmi ga mahaya biyu, ɗaya a bayan ɗayan; ko tsarin abubuwa biyu ko fiye, daya a bayan daya. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman sifa don siffanta wani abu da aka tsara ɗaya bayan ɗayan ko aiki tare ta hanyar haɗin gwiwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The form was meant to be passed down from parent to child by way of practicing together, going through the movements in tandem, the parents correcting the child where necessary.
  2. Across from her, Ozzie tapped his fingers on the tabletop in a familiar rhythm that made her heart beat in tandem.
  3. My heart pounded in tandem with our frantic steps.
  4. I was already reeling when his mouth sent me plummeting faster into ecstasy, his hands working their magic in tandem with his lips.
  5. The two Umar on guard at the time groaned in deafening tandem as they twisted their bodies to examine the visitor.
  6. Their bodies merged again and again, chests pressed together and hips rocking in tandem.
  7. The roaring in my ears kicked up again, loud and insistent and in tandem with the magic surging in the air, gathering around me like a swarm of moths drawn to a flame.
  8. They quickly found a constant, punishing rhythm with their cocks driving deep in tandem.
  9. Shame and anger warred in tandem, colliding with panic and adrenaline.
  10. Her lips worked in tandem with mine like a hypnotic sensual dance.