English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " wutsiya" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan: Aikin bin ko bin wani ko wani abu, musamman a nesa. ragowar da aka bari a baya bayan wani tsari na rabuwa, kamar sharar da aka bari bayan hakar ma'adinai ko sarrafa tama. . A cikin maharba, aikin harabar kibiya ta hanyar kallon tsawonta zuwa wurin da aka nufa. gudun da kuma alkibla. wani.


  1. shadowing

Sentence Examples

  1. It had left her quite shaken when she realised why he might be tailing her.
  2. She slipped up and over the enclave wall at one of her usual spots and resumed tailing her father.
  3. My guess was he was a copper too, not used to being ordered to bring refreshments to someone they were tailing.
  4. Markis had spotted the car tailing him ten minutes ago figured he had another ten minutes before Homeland Security pulled him over and checked him out.
  5. Waiting five minutes, he finally relaxed, confident no one was tailing him directly.
  6. Giving him another few moments to get ahead of me, I resumed my tailing, this time keeping my footsteps as inaudible as possible.
  7. A few turns later, assured of no active tailing, they arrived at their real endpoint, the Shinan Industrial District, where mottled aluminum siding over brick foundations and wood framing provided a perfectly drab backdrop.
  8. If I went after her, I was committing to tailing her to her destination.