English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “tag” yana da ma’anoni ƙamus da yawa, gami da: Ƙaramar takarda, zane, ko ƙarfe da aka makala da wani abu don gane ko lakafta shi. Wasan da ɗan wasa ɗaya ke binsa ya yi ƙoƙarin taɓa sauran, sannan ya zama "shi" kuma dole ne ya bi sauran. don tsari ko dalilai na bincike. Wani takamaiman nau'in codeing da ake amfani da shi a cikin HTML don ƙirƙirar tsari ko haɗin yanar gizo. li>A matsayin fi’ili, “tag” na nufin:Don haɗa alama ga wani abu don ganowa ko sanyawa. kasafta wani abu da keyword ko tag alamar "@".

Sentence Examples

  1. A tag on one of the rocks priced it at three hundred and forty-eight dollars.
  2. The name tag on his crisp, white, buttoned-up shirt helped too.
  3. Harry knelt next to an unmoving bag the tag was blank.
  4. Then I rummaged through her closet and found a stylish, purple blouse that still had the REI tag in it.
  5. A breeze blows through the open window and ruffles the pink feather tag on my suitcase.
  6. A metal name tag on his white shirt said JOHN COATES.
  7. He heard laughter and glanced up to see Chris playing tag with Lavern and some of the other boys, laughing and jostling and running from each other as though the rest of the world mattered not.
  8. Supposedly, entry into the fully self-sustaining towers had been permitted to several thousand individuals who met specific criteria, but if the rumors were true, the price tag for entry had been steep.
  9. I checked the tag of a cute top, but dropped it when I saw the price.
  10. The man wore spectacles and a woolly jumper, the name tag was still attached to the collar.