English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "surface" ita ce mafi tsayi ko saman saman wani abu, yawanci abu ko abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa sashin waje ko saman saman jikin ruwa ko na ɓawon ƙasa. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “surface” tana nufin fili ko ƙasa, ko da yake kuma ana iya amfani da ita wajen nuni ga zahirin zahiri ko na zahiri na wani abu.


  1. aerofoil
  2. airfoil
  3. control surface

Sentence Examples

  1. His face was smooth, but his features seemed to ripple, like the deceptively placid surface of the seas before a storm.
  2. The cliffs were enhanced by vivid green moss, growing in thick clumps throughout the crevices of the sheer surface.
  3. About halfway I stop and lean against the wall, staring out at the surface of all that water, its surface a shimmering blue.
  4. He was certain his conversation with Miss Wyland had barely scratched the surface, and he wondered what more she had to tell him.
  5. Nine years had passed since he had last set foot in the city, and things had changed, though only on the surface, he wagered.
  6. The lighting was dim, but it was enough that I could see the faint shimmer of magic beneath the surface.
  7. But there was no mistaking the raw and devastating power emanating from him, just below the surface.
  8. Jack stared at the greasy surface as it cooled, the dark wheaten bread in his right hand forgotten, as now was the desire to eat.
  9. After making a quick circuit of his room, running her hands under his mattress and below every surface, sliding them over his walls, she returned to his side.