English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “irin wannan” ana amfani da ita azaman mai ƙididdigewa ko karin magana don nuna takamaiman nau'i, inganci, ko matakin wani abu da aka ambata a baya ko ake nufi da shi. Hakanan yana iya aiki azaman adverb don nuna wata hanya ko iyaka.Ga wasu ma'anar "irin" daga ƙamus na Merriam-Webster: na wani nau’i ko hali da za a nuna ko a ba da shawara: kama ko so(pronoun) wani abu ko wani ya faɗa ko a nuna: wani abu ko wani irin wanda aka ambata ko kuma aka fahimta a baya(adverb) ) ta hanya ɗaya ko hanya: don haka, kamar yadda(adverb) zuwa irin wannan matakin ko kuma: da yawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Lorraine agreed to meet at noon, so I arranged my morning such that I could get in a workout at the fitness center before heading to Diamond Hall.
  2. You, of course, could never hope to achieve such a feat.
  3. But none of them emanated such a strong aura of hatred.
  4. She had kissed other boys before but none compared to this, none contained such raw emotion and passion.
  5. Lyella gave Brooke such a look of pure loathing it startled her.
  6. Why do I have to be such a nervous wreck all the time?
  7. Someone had caused such a magical disturbance, it had a ripple effect on all the other magic in the vicinity.
  8. His eyes were such a dark shade of brown they appeared almost as black as his hair, and narrowed when he saw me watching.
  9. The corridor possessed various living statues of water creatures, such as Nixies and Nagas.
  10. How was she supposed to train with such an off-putting distraction?

TV Series Examples



Such a shame, Littlefinger.



It's too fine a weapon for such a man.



Such a beauty shouldn't stay



Can the treasury bear such expense?



lt would be shameful to slaughter such a man



Such a little thing.