English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nasara" ita ce hanyar da ta dace da sakamakon da ake so ko cimma wata manufa. Yana nufin cimma wani abu tare da kyakkyawan sakamako ko cimma sakamako mai kyau.

Sentence Examples

  1. They had not as yet had any unpleasant encounters, and the journey seemed on the point of being successfully accomplished, when the elephant, becoming restless, suddenly stopped.
  2. Shane sliced through the air with the knife simultaneously, successfully slashing Charlie at the throat.
  3. He had tried, successfully he thought, to maintain a front of friendly courtesy but the effort had been extreme.
  4. I waved my hand to her, and nodded to tell that our work there was successfully accomplished.
  5. It had a most favourable aspect and, for half a minute, Emma felt the glory of having schemed successfully.
  6. Within a few breaths, he successfully rescues me from my pathetic pit of mud and despair and seamlessly deposits me on the passenger seat.
  7. The duke and duchess, pleased with their hunt and at having carried out their plans so cleverly and successfully, returned to their castle resolved to follow up their joke for to them there was no reality that could afford them more amusement.
  8. They had successfully picked off the few corpses in the car park before barricading the front doors.
  9. The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix.
  10. To bring my argument to a close, I would say then, gentle sir, let your son go on as his star leads him, for being so studious as he seems to be, and having already successfully surmounted the first step of the sciences, which is that of the languages, with their help he will by his own exertions reach the summit of polite literature, which so well becomes an independent gentleman, and adorns, honours, and distinguishes him, as much as the mitre does the bishop, or the gown the learned counsellor.