English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "abu" ita ce: Kayan abin da aka yi shi, kamar zahirinsa ko ainihin abinsa. kind of matter with uniform Properties. Ainihin ko mahimmancin ma'ana ko mahimmancin wani abu. miyagun ƙwayoyi ko wani fili wanda ke da tasirin ilimin lissafi lokacin da aka sha ko kuma aka shigar da shi cikin jiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. It seemed unlikely, unless of course the Alliance had got the substance from Enzar.
  2. Then she noticed a strange blue-purple substance at the bottom.
  3. One staircase was bronze, whilst another was carved from fluffy green dough and one staircase appeared to have a different substance for each step.
  4. Krozemund, the Chief Anatomical Examiner, assured Chief Flim that he would consult with an Apothecist as necessary to confirm the nature of the substance in the vial, but he said he could typically discern what someone had ingested by the effects it had on the body.
  5. Adamantine was the most unbreakable substance in the Multiverse.
  6. To block magic required a substance which had magic origins itself.
  7. Except there was only one place bloodrock, a highly classified illegal offworld substance, was available.
  8. Mary Jo huffs while shaking a packet of Sweet-n-Low before ripping off the side and pouring the cancerous substance into her coffee.
  9. A substance with the potential for limitless energy.
  10. Further definitions added to progress provided more substance.