English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "stunner" suna ne da ke nufin wani ko wani abu mai ban sha'awa, mai ban sha'awa, ko ban mamaki. Haka kuma tana iya nuni da bugu ko firgita da ke sa mutum ya yi mamaki ko ya dimauce.

Sentence Examples

  1. The formation broke as Carl jumped at the first monster, stunner in the air.
  2. My skin buzzed, like a mild shock from the stunner, as we followed a path through the winding corridors of the first floor, lit by the faint bluish glow from the walls and floor.
  3. He should know that firing the stunner into empty air in the Passages was a stupid idea if you wanted to get out with all your limbs intact.
  4. And judging by the vibrant red colour of the energy stream, it was someone with a stunner.
  5. I switched the stunner to my left hand and used my right to pull the dagger, flicking out the blade.
  6. Sparks of magic danced off the walls, creating a haze of blinding light, and I swore, flicking the stunner to life in my hand.
  7. Carl hesitated, clearly taken by surprise, but recovered in time to duck its flailing fist and zap it with the stunner.
  8. My hand twitched on the stunner, the slight buzz of magic against my fingers like a building charge.
  9. Ms Weston, however, raised her hand and threw her stunner to me.
  10. She swore at me over and over, kicking and hitting with elbows and knees, but I managed to manoeuvre the stunner to brush against the back of her neck, and flicked the switch.