English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ɓata" ita ce: yin nisa daga hanya ko hanya madaidaiciya, ko rashin bin ƙa'idodin ƙa'idodi ko ƙa'idodi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yin yawo daga gida, ko daga ƙungiya ko ƙungiya, ba tare da izini ba ko na tsawon lokaci. Ana iya amfani da "ɓatacce" don bayyana yawo ta zahiri da kuma karkata a misalta daga hanyar da ake so ko ake tsammani.

Sentence Examples

  1. This was mostly due to not many families straying from the area, whereas families from other continents scattered around the world.
  2. He arrived every spring, never straying far from the ship, recently turned into a restaurant.
  3. I just thought that it would keep straying hands off her.
  4. Throughout the Shabbat day, while I enjoyed the quiet, walking through the valley and playing stones with Yonaton, Zim lay in the cave, his eyes straying again and again to his untouched drum in the corner.
  5. His hand was straying to Ruaden whenever a shadow flickered nearby.
  6. Her pulse pounded in her ears as she stared into the shadows, her hand straying to the blade strapped to her thigh.
  7. The police of the division have been instructed to keep a sharp look-out for straying children, especially when very young, in and around Hampstead Heath, and for any stray dog which may be about.
  8. I could feel her emotions in my heart, never straying too far from her, and felt a kindness and tolerance simply unheard of coming from a dragon.
  9. And he played, their gazes never straying for the rest of the night.
  10. During the service, Calder stood beside Devona and her children, trying to keep his gaze from straying to where Regan stood alone, off to the side of the crowd.