English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “ɓace” ita ce ƙaura daga hanyar da aka yi niyya ko ta dace, ko yawo ko yawo ba tare da wata manufa ko manufa ba. Haka nan ana iya komawa ga dabbar da ta yawo daga mai ita ko wurin da ya dace, ko kuma ga wanda ya bace ko ya rasa hanyarsa. A matsayin suna, “batattu” na iya nufin dabba mai yawo ko kuma mutumin da ya ɓace.

Sentence Examples

  1. Whispers had come to him in his cell, stray thoughts floating through the caves.
  2. Brooke turned to see Sintian Stray leaning against the castle wall.
  3. Catherine hurriedly brushed the stray strands of grass from her skirts, trying to regain her composure.
  4. Evan turned to see Sintian Stray fighting through the monsters, drenched in demon blood, his black eyes blazing.
  5. She commanded her gaze not to seek comfort, forced it not to stray to Kila.
  6. Then he plucks a couple of stray long hairs from his eyebrows and splashes on a little aftershave.
  7. The cave itself was about the size of a large den, but the only furnishing was a stray boulder and the largest pile of bones I had ever seen.
  8. From within the ring of guards, Tarkyn glanced up at the strong, well-built grandstand where the nobility and the rest of the Royal Family sat, well out of reach of any stray tournament-strength shafts of power.
  9. The huge, unruly plants provided them with extra cover, shielding them from stray eyes.
  10. As Stray left her mind, images of Arantay came rushing back, clear and as beautiful as ever.