English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "strawberry" tana nufin 'ya'yan itace masu zaki da ɗanɗano da ke cikin dangin fure. Yawanci ana siffanta shi da launin ja, siffa mai ɗaci, da ƙananan tsaba da aka haɗa a saman waje. Strawberries an san su da ƙamshi daban-daban, ɗanɗano mai daɗi, da kuma amfani da su a cikin shirye-shiryen dafa abinci iri-iri, kamar kayan zaki, jam, da abubuwan sha. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar "strawberry" don kwatanta shuka kanta, wanda shine tsire-tsire mai ƙarancin girma.

Sentence Examples

  1. Both were beautiful, with delicate features, strawberry blonde hair, and blue eyes.
  2. She was wearing jeans that molded her thighs, and her strawberry and gold hair was flying around her shoulders.
  3. Under the latter, several locks of strawberry blond hair poked out.
  4. She smelled plasticky sweet, like a Strawberry Shortcake doll I had as a child.
  5. Her tank top was the same color as her eyes, and her strawberry gold hair hung down her back.
  6. Some of the yogurt had strawberry or vanilla flavoring added before bottling for sale.
  7. It was minty chocolate chip and strawberry with a chocolate flake and rainbow sprinkles.
  8. The green showed off the strawberry highlights in his hair turning it into a richer copper color.
  9. Strawberry blonde wavy hair gathered from a central parting and pulled back into a ponytail set off her oval face, high cheekbones, and deep-set, large olive-green eyes.
  10. She looked down at her hand and saw a piece of strawberry.