English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙira" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari su ne: Ƙarfi ko matsi da ake yi a kan wani abu. li>Aikin mikewa ko ja da wani abu zuwa ga nakasu ko lalacewa. Wani nau'i, nau'i, ko iri-iri na dabba ko shuka. overworked, routinely from physical or mental exertion. Ƙungiyar ƙwayoyin cuta ko ƙwayoyin cuta waɗanda suka bambanta da sauran nau'in jinsinsu. li> Matsala mai wuya ko ƙalubale da ke buƙatar ƙoƙari don shawo kan ta. wanda ake amfani da shi.


  1. song

Sentence Examples

  1. Bending down, she brushed her lips over his ear and spoke directly into it, so low he had to strain to hear her despite her proximity.
  2. Six years his senior, she was still a young woman, but the strain of the years had left visible marks upon her.
  3. I strain to listen above the slap and rush of the ocean.
  4. He was far thinner than he had been a few short weeks ago, and his face still bore evidence of strain, but his condition had improved considerably, surprising her.
  5. I feel the strain of caring too much about this small lump of rock, and without any means of making a difference the burden of care crushes my spirit.
  6. Though she liked to think she did a good job of hiding it, the strain was starting to wear on her.
  7. His face was pale and there were signs of strain around his eyes.
  8. The mental strain of what he and Cianne were doing was taking a greater toll on him with each passing day.
  9. A few squares of chocolate and a new toy settled things down but the strain had become palpable in us all.
  10. I could feel defeat mutating in my body, trying to overtake my healthy cells, like a new strain of invasive cancer.