English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "stopper" ita ce:noun:na'ura ko wani abu da ake amfani da shi don rufewa ko toshe buɗaɗɗiya ko buɗewa, yawanci don hanawa. gudun hijirar ruwa ko iskar gas. fi'ili: don rufe ko toshe buɗaɗɗiya ko buɗaɗɗen buɗewa tare da tasha. li>don hanawa ko hana ci gaba ko nasara.

Sentence Examples

  1. She checked the stopper on her pot of ink, wrapped it tightly in a rag, and slipped it and the long narrow case that held her quill into the pocket of her apron.
  2. She retrieved her first note and rolled the second up with it, before reinserting the paper stopper in the barrel.
  3. Kila squatted next to the chief, who silently pointed to a few details before gesturing at a tea cup on the desk, an empty vial lying alongside it, its stopper cast off to the side.
  4. After a handful of silent sneers, they continued with only the whine of the third flask stopper to break their silence.
  5. He removed the wooden stopper from one of the skins and held it up to let a stream of water pour over his head.
  6. She excised the second testicle and sprinkled blood stopper powder on the wound.
  7. She pulled the tiny stopper and held the vial up over his lips.
  8. Villefort ran to her and seized her hand, which convulsively clasped a crystal bottle with a golden stopper.
  9. It was low, and he ducked through it, finding Jamie on the other side already setting two wooden cups on a table next to an earthenware jar with a leather stopper.
  10. Then she crumpled up the other scrap of paper and shoved it in, like a stopper.