English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "stoically" ita ce yin aiki ta hanyar da ba ta nuna motsin rai ko jin daɗi ba, musamman a lokacin fuskantar zafi, wahala, ko wahala. An samo shi daga kalmar "stoicism," wanda shine tsarin imani na falsafa wanda ke jaddada mahimmancin hankali, kamun kai, da ƙarfin ciki. Ana kwatanta mutumin da ya yi tsayuwar daka a matsayin mai natsuwa, mai tsarawa, da rashin jin daɗi, har ma a cikin yanayin da zai iya sa wasu su ji haushi ko hargitsi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The deputy still stood in front of the door stoically.
  2. Tyler did his best, though, to handle it stoically.
  3. The helmsman spoke stoically as he took a bite of his food.
  4. He was not pleased with his disguise but remained stoically silent.
  5. Grímnir stoically fought on, trying to get to Camulus, which was torturously close.
  6. The statue of the skinny old man with his gray hair and scraggly beard stood stoically by the frozen water, almost like he was lost in thought.
  7. The two younger Asians sat stoically in the back of the limo, holding sections of cloth ripped from their shirts against bleeding neck wounds.
  8. Stoically, he fought his way into the wind and rain, and pulled his head deeper into his collar.
  9. He walked away as stoically as he could manage with a beaten cloth sack slung over his shoulder and the hood of his worn, frayed red cloak pulled low over his face, hiding what everyone already knew to be there.