English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hannun jari" na iya dogara ne akan mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi, amma gabaɗaya yana nufin ɗayan waɗannan masu zuwa: (noun) Shares of mallaka a cikin kamfani: Wannan ma'anar "hannun jari" yana nufin nau'in zuba jari da ke wakiltar mallaka a cikin kamfani. Lokacin da wani ya sayi hannun jari, suna sayen wani kaso na kamfani don haka suna da da'awar a kan wani yanki na kadarorinsa da ribarsa. Hannun jari" na iya nufin samar da wani abu, kamar kayayyaki ko kaya da kasuwanci ke riƙe don sayarwa ga abokan ciniki. : A matsayin fi’ili, “hannun jari” na nufin kiyaye wadatar wani abu, kamar adana kantin sayar da kayayyaki. wasu mahallin tarihi, “hannun jari” na nufin firam ɗin katako da ake amfani da shi don azabtar da mutane ta hanyar killace hannaye da/ko ƙafafu a cikin firam a matsayin wani nau’i na wulaƙanta jama’a.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hawke roused our steed and calmed it with a pear from our stocks, loading our things as the horse crunched through pulp and core alike.
  2. He freed her from the stocks before the mob could do further damage but he hates himself for arriving too late.
  3. Ignoring the worthless stocks, bonds, and other papers piled in the safe, she pulled out a small box tucked in the back.
  4. Maybe the day I was forced to sign over my stocks to Thomas.
  5. The men at the head butted mules with their musket stocks.
  6. And the wheeling and dealing led one to believe that sports cards were traded much like stocks on Wall Street.
  7. On this I spoke to twelve Spaniards, all stout rowers, and such as could most easily leave the city but it was no easy matter to find so many just then, because there were twenty ships out on a cruise and they had taken all the rowers with them and these would not have been found were it not that their master remained at home that summer without going to sea in order to finish a galliot that he had upon the stocks.
  8. Rothschild but as my motive in travelling to your capital would not have been for the pleasure of dabbling in stocks, I stayed away till some favorable chance should present itself of carrying my wish into execution.
  9. Suppose, for example, Thomas had invested heavily in technology stocks right before the bubble burst, and left Jeff holding the bag, so to speak.
  10. I knew we would end up selling most of the jewelry and investing the money in stocks and bonds.