English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "stockade" shine shingen da aka yi da madaidaitan katako ko gungumomi, galibi ana amfani da shi azaman tsarin tsaro ko alkalami don tsare fursunoni ko dabbobi. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa sansanin soja ko katangar da aka rufe da wani katafaren gini ko rukunin gine-gine da aka kewaye da shinge ko bango. A matsayin fi’ili, “stockade” na nufin ƙullawa ko ƙulla da hannun jari ko ƙarfafa da hannun jari.


  1. concentration camp

Sentence Examples

  1. Murdock picked up everything he could find and placed it all a good distance outside the stockade.
  2. At the closest point, fifty feet stretched from the outer edge of the pod to the stockade.
  3. They had built it with some room between the outside wall of the stockade and the smokehouse.
  4. The double thick stockade walls of stout tree trunks run in a perfect circle around the hamlet.
  5. Circumnavigating the outer stockade walls was a deep trench filled with various devices which would hinder an assault from an invading force.
  6. By the time he had finished, the stockade was burning quickly.
  7. Shortly before Murdock found the human tracks, Rose arrived at the stockade.
  8. Murdock and Thomas had enclosed the compound with a stockade of logs.
  9. The stockade featured a big, wide gate that swung out, with a large, counterbalanced log to hold the gate closed from the inside.
  10. She received a vision of the stockade around the pod.