English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Mai kula" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga ainihin ma’anar “steward”:Noun: Mutumin da ke sarrafa ko kula da wani abu a madadin wani mutum ko wata ƙungiya. Wannan na iya komawa ga ayyuka daban-daban, kamar mai kulawa, mai kulawa, ko mai gudanarwa. Misali, ma’aikaci a cikin jirgi ne ke da alhakin sarrafa albarkatun jirgin da kuma tabbatar da lafiyar fasinjoji. ko dukiya. Ta wannan ma'ana, mai kulawa yana da alhakin kula da ma'aikatan gida, kula da harkokin kuɗi, da gudanar da ayyukan yau da kullun na gida ko ƙasa. Suna: Mutum wanda ke ba da abinci kuma yana biyan bukatun fasinjoji a cikin jirgi, jirgin sama, ko jirgin kasa. Waɗannan ma'aikatan, waɗanda kuma aka sani da ma'aikatan jirgin ko ma'aikatan gidan, suna tabbatar da kwanciyar hankali da amincin fasinjoji yayin tafiyarsu. ko taron. Misali, wakili a wurin wasanni ne ke da alhakin tabbatar da gudanar da taron ba tare da wata matsala ba da magance duk wata matsala da ta taso. Alal misali, "Ta kula da kuɗin kamfani da kulawa sosai."Gaba ɗaya, kalmar "makila" tana ba da ra'ayin alhakin, kulawa, da gudanarwa a wurare daban-daban. .


  1. custodian
  2. keeper

Sentence Examples

  1. Moments later, a second steward circled the table as he filled their cups with cider.
  2. You see, my wife has made it very clear to me that my role in the Kingdom is as Steward of Northcastle.
  3. Passepartout was dispatched in search of the steward, and soon returned with two packs of cards, some pins, counters, and a shelf covered with cloth.
  4. One of his captains and a trusted steward took complete control of her royal apartments while Northumberland slipped away to make the first moves in his bid for the throne.
  5. The meaner families who have children at these nurseries are obliged, besides their annual pension, which is as low as possible, to return to the steward of the nursery a small monthly share of their gettings, to be a portion for the child and therefore all parents are limited in their expenses by the law.
  6. Luigi asked permission of his protector, the steward, that she and he might be present amongst the servants of the house.
  7. Through me they engaged or dismissed their servants through my hands passed the accounts and returns of what was sown and reaped the oil-mills, the wine-presses, the count of the flocks and herds, the beehives, all in short that a rich farmer like my father has or can have, I had under my care, and I acted as steward and mistress with an assiduity on my part and satisfaction on theirs that I cannot well describe to you.
  8. A steward appeared between Tiri and Tallinor, leaning over the table with a carafe of dark liquid.
  9. The steward gave him a gun this was what Vampa longed for.
  10. As the steward had said, the notary awaited him in the small salon.