English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "steer" ita ce jagora ko jagorar hanyar wani abu, yawanci abin hawa ko jirgin ruwa, ta hanyar sarrafa motsi ko alkiblarsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin jagora ko jagorantar wani hali ko ayyukansa. A matsayin suna, “steer” na iya nufin ɗan sa, ko dabbar dabbar dabbar da ba a jefar ba tukuna.


  1. bullock

Sentence Examples

  1. He was not about to allow Richard to steer him to new conversational pastures.
  2. With the Dark One and the blazing corridor blocking her favored route, she had no choice but to steer Rune into the mines.
  3. This was done, but now a stiff breeze began to blow, which obliged us to leave off rowing and make sail at once and steer for Oran, as it was impossible to make any other course.
  4. Maybe Shirley is privately relishing this opportunity to steer me away from my quest to find him.
  5. I try to contribute, to at least appear to offer an opinion, and I manage to steer Shirley away from her more outrageous speculations.
  6. I duck back inside, determined to steer my attention towards my daughter, although I soon find I have no need.
  7. After much effort, I get her more or less back on her feet and steer her over to the Subway restaurant midway down the block.
  8. Heather slipped around me and pressed her palms against my back so she could steer me toward the door.
  9. He forced the driver to press the gas pedal to the floor and steer toward them.
  10. She nods her head and lets me steer her out of the morgue.