English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "steamship" babban jirgin ruwa ne wanda ke aiki da injin tururi, yawanci ana amfani da shi don jigilar fasinjoji da kaya ta nisa mai nisa akan ruwa. Jirgin ruwa ya kasance wani gagarumin ci gaban fasaha a ƙarni na 19, kuma sun kawo sauyi a harkokin kasuwanci da sufuri na duniya.


  1. steamer

Sentence Examples

  1. The land around the lake was owned by the Union Steamship Company, which had once owned much of Bowen Island.
  2. A steamship that can operate on long-haul routes or a warship that hardly needs to refuel!
  3. He finished removing the harness from the team of horses and led them off before she managed to open her mouth to thank him and ask how to get to the steamship company.
  4. He froze, but in a moving steamship, one more noise made little difference.
  5. The steamer which was about to depart from Yokohama to San Francisco belonged to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and was named the General Grant.
  6. They got a colored doctor what treats white people and a colored man what bought hisself a steamship.
  7. In this mechanical age, speed was everything, from the frenzy of the mills to this mad dash by a steamship.
  8. When Isabella Navarino snapped a quick order, a boat pushed out to return with two men from the steamship.
  9. Watters scanned columns about police raids on shebeens, the Jessie McLachlan murder trial, the search for the Honourable Peter Turnbull, who had disappeared leaving colossal gambling debts, and the United States Navy boarding the British steamship Gladiator.