English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dauriya" ita ce ingancin tsayawa da rashin jajircewa a cikin imani, azama, ko amincin mutum. Yana nufin iyawar mutum ta kasance mai jajircewa da jajircewa wajen fuskantar ƙalubale ko cikas, ba tare da tangarɗa ko hana shi daga yanayin waje ba. Ana danganta tsayin daka da halaye irin su juriya, sadaukarwa, da aminci, kuma ana ɗaukarsa a matsayin halayya mai kyau ga waɗanda suka mallake ta.

Sentence Examples

  1. Probably I should not consciously and deliberately forsake my particular calling to do the good which society demands of me, to save the universe from annihilation and I believe that a like but infinitely greater steadfastness elsewhere is all that now preserves it.
  2. With a shriek, with instinctive fury, she flooded Pneuma into Potency and Steadfastness then slammed her fist into the wall, sending spiderwebs of cracks through the stone.