English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni da dama masu yuwuwa ga kalmar "tsaye" dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani da su: Matsayin mutumin da ke tsaye da kafafunsa. Misali: "Ta kasance tana tsaye na tsawon sa'o'i tana jiran motar bas." Misali: “An lalata matsayinsa a kamfani ta hanyar badakalar kwanan nan.” Aikin zama a wani wuri ko matsayi. Misali: "Masu sauraro sun kasance a tsaye a duk lokacin wasan kwaikwayon." . Misali: "Mai shigar da kara yana tsaye don gabatar da wannan shari'a a kotu." Misali: "Kungiyar tana da matsayi mai kyau a gasar, tare da nasara da yawa da rashin hasara."

Sentence Examples

  1. We were breaking a dozen laws between the two of us just by standing here talking.
  2. Standing on top of the broken shell of a truck crouched five youths, glaring at Brooke with glowing eyes.
  3. They all turned to see a man standing at the entrance of the cavern, a man with a brutal face and long silver hair.
  4. No denying they needed it, seeing as they were the one force standing between Earth and the mercy of a thousand offworld threats.
  5. I always loved thinking about her standing in the kitchen, twirling it as we chatted on the phone while I was home in Los Angeles.
  6. I turned the corner and found Officer Flatman and Connor standing outside the door.
  7. He disappeared into his office, leaving me standing alone and disgruntled.
  8. And I knew the person standing at the other end of the corridor.
  9. The chaotic spinning stopped and one face came into focus, standing out in sharp contrast.
  10. Millions of lives, barely aware of the other world standing in their midst, untouchable, all-powerful.

TV Series Examples



We should have a standing army



Standing out there like a glorified sentry.



l was standing right here



Now you are standing all wrong.



l wouldn't be standing here