English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "stampede" wani gungun mutane ko dabbobi ne, wanda akasari ke haifar da shi ta hanyar tsoro, firgita, ko wani yanayi mai ƙarfi. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ga taron jama'a ko abubuwa ba zato ba tsammani kuma ba a sarrafa su ba, galibi yana haifar da rudani ko hargitsi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The sight of this stampede exerted a floodlike force that seemed able to drag sticks and stones and men from the ground.
  2. I race my Belgians in the draft horse competitions in the Calgary Stampede.
  3. Just stampede full out on that crazy device until you ran out of breath.
  4. The doors hiss and roll noisily open, then I just follow the stampede or the shuffling of feet, as the case may be.
  5. Only one, obviously the leader, continued its stampede towards the Anduains.
  6. Liam flipped off his back and onto his feet as a torrent of arrows passed by his head, hurtling towards the incoming stampede.
  7. A bloody faced man got up from the stampede and limped towards the bar, where pub goers were watching from the Victorian windows.
  8. The ground beneath her feet rumbled under the weight of the stampede.
  9. Showers pounded the roof like a stampede of wild horses escaping captivity.
  10. A distant rumble caused Lyra to glance toward the sky, dark with rolling clouds, as she tried to determine if the sound was from a stampede or the storm on the horizon.