English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "stalemate" wani yanayi ne wanda kowane bangare a cikin rikici ko gasa ba zai iya samun riba ko yin wani yunkuri ba, wanda ya haifar da ci gaba ko kuma tashe. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin wasa, kamar dara, inda babu dan wasan da zai iya yin nasara a wasan, wanda ya haifar da kunnen doki. Gabaɗaya, tashe-tashen hankula yanayi ne da ba za a iya samun ci gaba a cikin abin da ake so ko ƙuduri ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their stalemate caused an ache in the center of his chest.
  2. It was a constant sway of defensive and offensive maneuvers that only succeeded in a stalemate.
  3. To date, he had managed a stalemate in just three matches.
  4. While his sword struggled with the axe in a stalemate, the Garian pushed forward with his shield.
  5. Admittedly there was always a chance at a stalemate, or even a Fosgate victory, but in an ironic twist, his chess-playing skills had sharpened to their finest edge.
  6. When we had reached a stalemate, Mary flicked her chin forward.
  7. While Sovereign had forever created a nuclear stalemate, Dalton had one last play.
  8. The Tattooist was still struggling with the thing, his immense strength and flaming eyes holding it in a snapping stalemate.
  9. After a few seconds of stalemate, Leach began to undress.
  10. He had had no recourse but to struggle for stalemate in every game with all his heart he had given his all.