English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabo" shine sanya alama ko canza launin wani abu, yawanci wani abu ko masana'anta, tare da tabo ko facin launi ko inuwa daban-daban, sau da yawa sakamakon lalacewa ko tabo da wani abu kamar haka. kamar datti, abinci, ko tawada. Tabo kuma na iya nufin alamar da aka bari akan wani abu da ke da wahalar cirewa ko wanda ya bar tambari na dindindin. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar "tabo" azaman suna don komawa ga alamar ko canza launin kanta.


  1. blot
  2. smear
  3. spot
  4. smirch

Sentence Examples

  1. Cold water applied to his face had removed the trails of dried blood and in the gloom of the inn interior the purple stain on his cheek bone from the beating Hanwyn had given him was hardly noticeable.
  2. Dreary and chilly as it was, the moisture felt good against her skin, as if it might cleanse away the stain of her thoughts.
  3. He neatly side-stepped the expensive Italian glass as it was hurled at him, smashing against the stone wall behind him, a stain spreading down the stone from its ruby contents.
  4. Maintaining control of herself at all times was exhausting, but it was also necessary if she wanted to ensure the House never thought of her as anything more than a stain on their honor.
  5. Near the top of the cathedral ceilings was a stain glass window depicting a red pentagram.
  6. A moment before the gargoyle crushed Evan into a red stain, its fists froze an inch from his face.
  7. Arantay loped towards them, growling like the horrific beast he had become, blood dripped from his elongated fangs to stain the porcelain of his skin.
  8. The kitten had pissed on the floor and it mixed with the bloody boot stain.
  9. Evan saw a red stain growing larger and larger on his shirt.
  10. Wind blew through the gaps in the stone, and morning dew was settled on the stain glass windows.