English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kwanciyar hankali" tana nufin yanayi ko ingancin zaman lafiya, tsayuwa, aminci, tsayayye, ko canzawa. Yana iya nufin abubuwa na zahiri, tsarin, ko yanayi waɗanda ke da juriya don canzawa ko iya kiyaye tsayayyen yanayi ko daidaito. A cikin ma'ana mai faɗi, kwanciyar hankali kuma na iya komawa ga kwanciyar hankali, tunani, ko na kuɗi, wanda ke nufin daidaitawa, ƙasa, da iya jure damuwa ko canje-canje ba tare da rugujewa ko faɗuwa ba. Bugu da ƙari, kwanciyar hankali na iya nufin zaman lafiyar siyasa, zamantakewa, ko muhalli, wanda ke nufin yanayin zaman lafiya, tsari, da dorewa, ba tare da babbar matsala ko rikici ba.


  1. constancy

Sentence Examples

  1. Harriet, here comes a very sudden trial of our stability in good thoughts.
  2. Somehow, he doubted that two prominent men from high society would query their mental stability as much as he questioned his own.
  3. They got the social stability they were after alright.
  4. His ass bumped into a garbage can, allowing him to regain a modicum of stability.
  5. It involves not only the economic stability of a country, but political equilibrium as well.
  6. Working her way through the hall, she was careful to check the stability of the ground before each step to avoid another collapse.
  7. Even while we were apart, your memory was a source of stability and strength for me.
  8. We were convinced that the Oasis was naturally occurring and were promised jobs and financial stability.
  9. I try to clutch at something, anything, but my hands find no stability.
  10. They also maintain stability with a protective coating designed to prevent any type of discharge.