English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "squirrel" ƙaramin romo ne mai tsayin kurmi mai tsini, yawanci yana zaune a cikin bishiyoyi. An san squirrels don ƙarfin hali da saurin motsi, kuma ana samun su a yawancin sassan duniya. An san su da halin ajiyar abinci a ƙasa ko a cikin bishiyoyi, kuma sun shahara a matsayin dabbobi a wasu sassan duniya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I felt like I was trying to keep Aslan in when there was a squirrel in the front yard.
  2. He smiled with relief that the squirrel assumed was gratitude.
  3. The unfortunate consequence of this was that the squirrel disappeared briefly to return with another acorn.
  4. Jake stopped with me, sensing the seriousness of our romp in the woods he even ignored a squirrel.
  5. Either one of my coworkers had found me sleeping and stolen them, or a randy squirrel had absconded with my delicates.
  6. All of us looked and even wandered into the grass in case a squirrel or crow with a penchant for shiny things had tried to make off with their booty.
  7. Opening his eyes he found himself face to face with a red squirrel, who was perched on a nearby branch.
  8. The squirrel, who was a great hoarder herself, seemed to think this was an excellent plan and showed every sign of approval when Tarkyn pocketed the second acorn.
  9. He walked over and, on the ground roughly where the squirrel had been, was a small steel arrow head.
  10. They climbed high trees as nimbly as a squirrel, for they had strong extended claws before and behind, terminating in sharp points, and hooked.