English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙuƙwalwa" ita ce kallon wani abu da idanu ɗaya ko duka biyu a rufe gabaɗaya domin a ƙara gani sosai ko kuma a guje wa hasken rana. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga kuskuren nahawu wanda jimla ta kasance cikin shubuhohi domin ana iya fassara ta ta hanyoyi da yawa, ya danganta da yadda mai karatu ko mai sauraro ke fahimtar sanya wata kalma ko jumla. A cikin wannan mahallin, “squinting” yana nufin buƙatun sake rubuta jumla ko fayyace don kawar da shubuha.


  1. squinched

Sentence Examples

  1. Squinting against it, I dragged my only friend outside.
  2. I opened my eyes, squinting against the sunlight shining through my bare windows.
  3. Squinting my eyes, I redirect my gaze to the large open lot where the skyscrapers will be standing in a few months.
  4. Squinting, I braced for the impact, but it never came.
  5. Instinctively, both TB and I gazed toward where our house was located, squinting to see the two-story frame of a home still standing.
  6. Her mouth worked as she looked around, eyes squinting in confusion.
  7. Squinting at the signature, Kila made out the name of one of the most celebrated Composers in history and was duly impressed.
  8. A staffer walked onto the stage, squinting against the bright lights.
  9. Squinting my eyes, I acknowledge the man as the head of the guards with a light nod.
  10. The orb rolled around for a moment, squinting at the sight of me, but when the giant turned his head and caught a glimpse of Hawke both eyes snapped open as wide as they could.