English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "squeak" gajeriyar sauti ce ko kuka mai girma wanda yawanci yakan faru ta hanyar shafa, latsa, ko motsa wani abu. Hakanan yana iya nufin tserewa kaɗan ko kunkuntar daga yanayi mai wahala ko haɗari, kamar yadda a cikin "sun sami nasarar yin kururuwa ta jarrabawar ƙarshe." Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da "squeak" azaman fi'ili don bayyana aikin yin sauti mai ƙarfi, sau da yawa yakan haifar da gogayya ko matsa lamba, ko kuma bayyana rashin sarrafa wani abu, kamar yadda a cikin "sun yi ta da matakin wucewa. "

Sentence Examples

  1. It came open with a squeak, and we all looked inside.
  2. She remembered as a girl how she used to try to see if she could make it all the way to the top without a squeak.
  3. She stiffened in surprise, a squeak escaping her, but then, as always, she acquiesced to his demand, letting herself have another little taste of her man.
  4. So imagine my surprise when I heard the squeak of the rusty hinges and the muffled jingling of manacles as someone else stepped out of the unlocked boarding house.
  5. A thud and a sharp squeak emanated from the darkness, and then silence.
  6. The squeak of a screen door brought her out of her reverie.
  7. Then the door slid open welcomingly, without letting off so much as a squeak.
  8. The squeak of the screen door heralded their return.
  9. A minute later, the squeak of a winch accompanied the groan of the massive door swinging open.
  10. There was a squeak of a tiny voice and then a clatter on the stairs as Wesley finally turned up.