English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “tsaga” na iya samun ma’anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: Suna (jam'i): Ƙananan, sirara, gutsuttsura masu kaifi ko guntu waɗanda suka tsaga ko tsinke daga babban abu, yawanci itace ko gilashi. Tsage-tsalle na iya zama mai zafi idan sun shiga cikin fata. Misali, “Tsarin katako yakan balle cikin sauki idan aka buga shi da guduma.” saboda rashin jituwa ko rikici. Misali, "Jam'iyyar ta fuskanci rabuwar kai bayan yanke shawara mai cike da cece-kuce." ko rikici. Misali: "Shawarar da ta haifar da cece-kuce ta raba jam'iyyar zuwa bangarori daban-daban."


  1. matchwood

Sentence Examples

  1. With a resounding blast, the oaken door burst into splinters.
  2. He then contrived to raise him from the ground, and with no little difficulty hoisted him upon his ass, which seemed to him to be the easiest mount for him and collecting the arms, even to the splinters of the lance, he tied them on Rocinante, and leading him by the bridle and the ass by the halter he took the road for the village, very sad to hear what absurd stuff Don Quixote was talking.
  3. Thus far, there were no signs of the splinters that had cracked open his original Camelot.
  4. Each jolt sent splinters screaming through her and, when he stood to lift her, he jostled her harshly.
  5. The world erupted into a haze of splinters, metal, and blood.
  6. Splinters flew in all directions, and we had to move away to keep from getting hit.
  7. Three minutes later, he stood in the room, surrounded by splinters of wood, none bigger than his fist.
  8. Before Harry had time to react, someone had smacked a heavy metal object over his back, sending splinters of agony through his spine.
  9. Splinters from the spade handle had penetrated into her palms and blisters stood out from the skin on the pads of her hands.
  10. The dry wood forced splinters into her hands as she tried to pull her weight over the edge, but fear of falling into the dark stable below overcame the increasing discomfort in her hands as she heaved herself up, pausing for breath when she felt secure with one knee firmly on the planking.