English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Spherical" ita ce:siffana ko alaƙa da wani yanki ko sassamai siffar na wani yanki; zagaye ko kusan zagayeWato wani abu da yake “Spherical” ana siffanta shi da siffa kamar ball ko fili, ko kuma yana da alaqa da sassa. Ana amfani da wannan kalma sau da yawa a fannin kimiyya, lissafi, da lissafi don siffanta abubuwa masu girma uku, zagaye.


  1. globose
  2. ball-shaped
  3. globular
  4. spheric
  5. orbicular
  6. global

Sentence Examples

  1. A technological shield ascended in perfect spherical form around the ship.
  2. The spherical singularity chamber was nowhere to be seen.
  3. It developed a spherical shape and grew, until an obvious ball of swirling silver and blue energy hung in the air.
  4. There also I have found, in considerable quantities, curious balls, composed apparently of fine grass or roots, of pipewort perhaps, from half an inch to four inches in diameter, and perfectly spherical.
  5. Some grasses bore spherical, semi-transparent fruit about the size of his fist, while others just stood proudly in his way.
  6. There are also already within the ice narrow oblong perpendicular bubbles about half an inch long, sharp cones with the apex upward or oftener, if the ice is quite fresh, minute spherical bubbles one directly above another, like a string of beads.
  7. The singularity chamber is a spherical room with a catwalk around the rim.
  8. The burgeoning sculpture obscuring the endlessly piled rulku bodies showed Azaz standing over a spherical earth, raising his mighty claws to the heavens.