English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Sphere" ita ce: Siffa mai girma uku wacce take daidai da zagaye, kamar ball ko globe. Wani yanki na aiki, tasiri, ko ƙwarewa; wani fanni na sha'awa ko ilimi. Jikin sama, kamar duniyar duniya ko tauraro. li>A matsayin fi’ili, “Sphere” na iya nufin ya zama wani yanki ko kewaye ko lullube kamar fili.

Sentence Examples

  1. The bubble sphere possessed two narrow benches either side for them to sit, which were also transparent.
  2. She kicked out wildly, her foot connecting with the red sphere.
  3. She had to get them to the sphere too so they could all escape.
  4. The group of Mid-Realmers crowded into the bubbles, four to each sphere.
  5. She realised the sphere was still travelling at terrific speed, but now it felt like a normal taxi ride, just one through the ocean.
  6. Then she realised what was happening and looked frantically for the sphere.
  7. Brooke saw the sphere appear between the demon army and her friends.
  8. At the force of his push she fell into the sphere, banging the back of her head on the stone floor.
  9. This time the sphere appeared as soon as she did, taunting her as it bobbed feet away.
  10. She weaved sorcery feverishly, making the sphere soar into her hand.