English to hausa meaning of

Kwale-kwale mai sauri karamin jirgin ruwa ne mai sauri wanda aka kera shi don gudu da sauri, galibi ana amfani da shi don abubuwan nishaɗi kamar wasan tseren ruwa ko tsere. Yawanci ana motsa shi ta hanyar shiga ciki ko na waje kuma yana da ikon samun babban gudu, yawanci wuce mil 50 a cikin sa'a. Kwale-kwale na sauri suna iya girma daga ƙanƙanta ƙafa 10 zuwa girma kamar ƙafa 40 ko fiye, kuma suna iya samun fasali iri-iri kamar wurin zama mai daɗi, ɗakunan ajiya, da kayan aiki na musamman don wasannin ruwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The others gripped their seats and nearby gunwales as the speedboat shot over the big rolling waves of Lake Michigan.
  2. When the river traffic thinned, and the landscape grew green and tall on both banks, the nose of our boat rose and we accelerated, leaving a wake like a speedboat.
  3. I saw him put the speedboat key on a bookshelf in his study.
  4. He pushed the throttle forward and the speedboat surged ahead.
  5. They climbed down a short ladder and jumped into the speedboat.
  6. I pointed the speedboat away from the submarines, to a stretch of dimly lit coastline.
  7. He might be working on one of them aviation breakthroughs right now, while we waited to borrow his speedboat key.
  8. When it had completely opened, two booms holding a ten-meter-long speedboat emerged from inside the ship.
  9. He went over the speedboat with an electronic detector, soon yanking out a fist-sized GPS transmitter.