English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "spatter" shine watsawa ko yayyafa ƙananan ɗigon ruwa ko barbashi na ruwa ko wani abu ta hanyar da ba ta dace ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ƙananan ɗigon ruwa ko barbashi da kansu waɗanda suka warwatse ko fantsama a saman ko wani abu. Ana amfani da "Spatter" sau da yawa don kwatanta ɗigon ruwa mai tarwatse kamar fenti, jini, ko ruwa.


  1. bespatter

Sentence Examples

  1. The blood spatter on the far wall told the Colonel that it truly was over for the General.
  2. Everything was mostly how he remembered it, except for the dull brown spatter stains on the wall.
  3. A rising wind flicked tree branches back and forth, spilling the last of their leaves, although Watters was glad to note the rain had eased to an occasional spatter.
  4. She pulled the trigger, feeling the warm spatter of blood on her face, and his body slump to the floor.
  5. She was furiously wiping blood spatter off her arms.
  6. A thin splatter of dried blood lay at its feet, the spatter just below the tip of the bloodied blade.
  7. From the distance came a sudden spatter of firing.
  8. The pen in his hand snapped in two, sending a spatter of ink across the files.
  9. She looked around for her suit jacket and winced as she saw the spatter on it.
  10. An occasional spatter of salt spindrift crossed the wall, to spray over the assembled throng without raising comment or complaint.