English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wani lokaci" ita ce: (adverb) a wasu lokuta; a wasu lokuta ko a wasu yanayi, amma ba koyaushe ba ko kuma akai-akai.

Sentence Examples

  1. When a Venator is completely drained, they sometimes faint, or in very rare cases, die.
  2. The path heading inside is rugged and bumpy and sometimes difficult for those of us on two feet with boots.
  3. You take everything so personally sometimes, Kellan.
  4. I swear she carried a stun gun just to watch people dance for her own pleasure sometimes.
  5. Sometimes she ignored me, other times she put pressure on me to spend more time with her and tell her all about the new technology and perks the athletic facility had received.
  6. There are always people who contribute in a multitude of ways, sometimes unwittingly, throughout the journey from discovering the idea to drafting the last word.
  7. Brooke thought the Fortress was like a naughty child sometimes.
  8. Sometimes the benefactor has a specific request on where to distribute the money.
  9. Sometimes a potential Venator will use sorcery accidentally.
  10. Sometimes you needed your mother to arrange things in perspective.

TV Series Examples



Though sometimes we go to extremes



Sometimes a khal feels insulted



Of course, sometimes it's not enough.



Sometimes l don't know



must sometimes do vile things