English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "solitude" yanayi ne na damuwa, kulawa, ko damuwa ga wani ko wani abu. Yana nufin jin damuwa mai zurfi da gaske don jin daɗi da farin ciki na wani, kuma yana iya haɗawa da nuna alheri, kulawa, ko tunani gare su. Hakanan yana iya nufin yanayin damuwa ko fargaba game da wani yanayi ko wani lamari.


  1. solicitousness

Sentence Examples

  1. When she did bend her dark eyes on the young man, they were yet filled with an expression of anguish that at once drove every thought but that of kind solicitude from his mind.
  2. You no more deceive me with that false calmness than I impose upon you with my frivolous solicitude.
  3. Every body had a degree of gravity and sorrow tenderness towards the departed, solicitude for the surviving friends and, in a reasonable time, curiosity to know where she would be buried.
  4. John Knightley, that in spite of maternal solicitude for the immediate enjoyment of her little ones, and for their having instantly all the liberty and attendance, all the eating and drinking, and sleeping and playing, which they could possibly wish for, without the smallest delay, the children were never allowed to be long a disturbance to him, either in themselves or in any restless attendance on them.
  5. They soon began to ascend but as the motion had a tendency to revive the dormant faculties of her sister, the attention of Cora was too much divided between the tenderest solicitude in her behalf, and in listening to the cries which were still too audible on the plain, to note the direction in which they journeyed.
  6. All was safe and prosperous and as the removal of one solicitude generally makes way for another, Emma, being now certain of her ball, began to adopt as the next vexation Mr.
  7. Perry and learnt his opinion and though she tried to laugh it off and bring the subject back into its proper course, there was no putting an end to his extreme solicitude about her.
  8. and Miss Bates occupied the drawing-room floor and there, in the very moderate-sized apartment, which was every thing to them, the visitors were most cordially and even gratefully welcomed the quiet neat old lady, who with her knitting was seated in the warmest corner, wanting even to give up her place to Miss Woodhouse, and her more active, talking daughter, almost ready to overpower them with care and kindness, thanks for their visit, solicitude for their shoes, anxious inquiries after Mr.
  9. The appearance of the servants looking out for them to give notice of the carriages was a joyful sight and even the bustle of collecting and preparing to depart, and the solicitude of Mrs.
  10. Evening came, and still, with all the patient solicitude of a mother, she watched for his return.