English to hausa meaning of

Lauyan ƙwararren ƙwararren doka ne wanda ke ba da shawarar doka da taimako ga abokan ciniki. Sun cancanci ba da shawarar doka kan batutuwan shari'a da yawa, gami da kasuwanci, dukiya, iyali, da dokar aikata laifuka. Lauyoyi yawanci suna aiki a cikin kamfanoni na doka ko sassan shari'a na cikin gida, kuma suna iya wakiltar abokan ciniki a kotu ko a tattaunawa da wasu ƙungiyoyi. A wasu ƙasashe, ana amfani da kalmar "lauyi" tare da "lauya," yayin da a wasu, lauyoyin suna da matsayi na musamman a cikin aikin lauya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I explained all these things to him to the best of my ability, and he certainly left me under the impression that he would have made a wonderful solicitor, for there was nothing that he did not think of or foresee.
  2. It seems only yesterday that the last entry was made, and yet how much between then, in Whitby and all the world before me, Jonathan away and no news of him and now, married to Jonathan, Jonathan a solicitor, a partner, rich, master of his business, Mr.
  3. This cargo was consigned to a Whitby solicitor, Mr.
  4. We would have offered you the services of a duty solicitor or the opportunity to access your own legal advisor.
  5. I told him he might have a dozen if he wished, but that it would not be wise to have more than one solicitor engaged in one transaction, as only one could act at a time, and that to change would be certain to militate against his interest.
  6. He seemed thoroughly to understand, and went on to ask if there would be any practical difficulty in having one man to attend, say, to banking, and another to look after shipping, in case local help were needed in a place far from the home of the banking solicitor.
  7. Before the dead began to rise needing a solicitor applied, but not now, not at least for a while.
  8. Oh boy, she better have a good solicitor, because there was only one way this could go, his way.