English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na “mai girma” yana cikin tsattsauran ra’ayi da mutunci, tare da zurfin ikhlasi da ikhlasi. Hakanan yana iya nufin tare da kiyaye al'ada ko na biki, ko tare da ma'anar nauyi ko mahimmanci. Ainihin, yana nuna hali na mahimmanci da nauyi. Alal misali, "Ya yi rantsuwa da gaske don tabbatar da Kundin Tsarin Mulki" ko "Ta yi magana da gaske game da bala'in da ya faru."

Sentence Examples

  1. As we have bestowed this honor, we solemnly vow to protect our Sister from all harm, and to defend her wherever and whenever danger or unrighteousness threaten.
  2. Lance looked at Arthur solemnly and then bowed his head and placed both hands on the hilt of his sword.
  3. The queen and Asa stood with their hands together in partnership and alliance and looked out solemnly as the crowds cheered them on.
  4. The local anchor intoned solemnly as though announcing an appearance by God himself.
  5. He raised his head solemnly to all of the crowds gathered.
  6. On the branches of the cedars were perched large eagles amid the foliage of the weeping willows were herons, solemnly standing on one leg and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolise long life and prosperity.
  7. He read it with alarm, and handed it to Trunculin solemnly.
  8. This I solemnly declare to be a most infamous falsehood, without any grounds, farther than that her grace was pleased to treat me with all innocent marks of freedom and friendship.
  9. The note had read a solemnly goodbye, akin to a suicide, but Harry would have preferred her death to this For Harry, I have been with you now for some time, and every day I remember when we got on the road and began our journey into love.
  10. Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of Indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions.