English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tamfa" ita ce hana iskar oxygen ko hana numfashi ta hanyar rufewa gaba ɗaya. Hakanan yana iya nufin rufewa ko rufe wani abu gaba ɗaya, ko kuma kashe wuta ta hanyar hana shi iskar oxygen. A ma’ana ta ma’ana, “cikakke” na iya nufin murkushewa, datsewa ko mamaye wani abu ko wani, kamar motsin rai ko tunani.

Sentence Examples

  1. He started to move on when smothered sounds came from inside the darkened area.
  2. Golden Toad and his family smothered cries of consternation.
  3. His words too smothered with blood to be comprehensible.
  4. Waterstone smothered a smile but he did not allow himself to become distracted.
  5. Pulling me to my feet, she smothered me with a huge hug.
  6. A wall of customers smothered the entrance to the inn.
  7. Tarkyn buried his face in his glass and smothered a smile.
  8. A group of them to the right were wielding a machine that was perched on the back of a horse-drawn wagon, a kind of dish smothered in dust.
  9. He had a bulbous nose smothered with warts and scars, a sign he had recently survived the pox.
  10. Its banshee wail smothered the sound of Lance bellowing incoherently.

TV Series Examples



And women smothered their babies