English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "murmushi" ita ce yin murmushi ta hanyar da ba ta dace ba ko kuma ta ɓatanci, sau da yawa tare da alamar raini ko gamsuwa. Yana iya zama ɗan ƙaramin murmushi mai gamsar da kai, sau da yawa tare da ɗan ɗaga gira ko izgili. Ma’anar kalmar sau da yawa ba ta da kyau, domin tana nuna ma’anar fifiko ko kuma abin sha’awa a cikin kuɗin wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I can easily imagine that usual playful smirk on his face.
  2. Reyna kept her smirk fixed on Esteban, who eyed her with extreme interest.
  3. A small smirk cracked his veneer as he waded forward.
  4. She pauses for a moment and then looks back at me with a smirk.
  5. She pauses, watches my face, a smirk lingering a few seconds away.
  6. He let me in to see Gregg without so much as a smirk.
  7. He spent a few moments rummaging through the contents, nodding every so often before finally closing it again and giving the now jittering Fern a tiny smirk.
  8. Charlie appeared to find the officers amusing, bearing a jeering smirk across his stubbly face.
  9. The corners of his mouth tilted upward into a smirk.
  10. Dark, penetrating brown eyes focused on her, and his lips twitched into a teasing smirk.